Delivered online and accompanied by lesson plans and pre-drawn screens, Moovl can be used flexibly across the curriculum.
Use Moovl to investigate concepts in science; children can explore gravity by creating a simulation of a man walking on the moon. Moovl also supports visual literacy; children can create their own animated storyboards and make words come to life.
Moovl supports the capabilities of A Curriculum for Excellence by:
- engaging and motivating all learners
- supporting the development of problem-solving and thinking skills in an open-ended environment
- helping learners to make meaningful links between subjects and enabling teachers to use ICT across the curriculum
- encouraging children to hypothesise and discuss what might happen, aiding the development of talking and listening skills and a collaborative approach to learning
suiting a range of learning styles: thereby supporting personalised learning
giving children a unique means of communicating and developing their ideas.
Moovl was developed through a partnership between Rigby and Soda, with support from Futurelab, who carried out research into the use of Moovl in the classroom.